The 12 Brain Rules

The 12 basic Brain Rules as described in the book, Brain Rules by Dr. John Medina.  I encourage you to read the entire book to learn why each rule works.  The following pages contain my suggestions for implementing four of the rules (attention, sensory integration, vision and exploration) using simple Web 2.0 tools.
  1. Exercise:  exercise boosts brain power.
  2. Survival:  the human brain evolved too.
  3. Wiring:  every brain is wired differently.
  4. Attention:  we don't pay attention to boring things
  5. Short-Term Memory:  repeat to remember
  6. Long-Term Memory:  remember to repeat
  7. Sleep:  sleep well, think well
  8. Stress:  stressed brains don't learn the same way as non-stressed brains
  9. Sensory Integration:  stimulate more of the senses
  10. Vision:  vision trumps all other senses
  11. Gender:  male and female brains are different
  12. Exploration:  we are powerful and natural explorers